“A Tale of Three Sisters” by Emin Alper
Produced by Nadir Operli (ACE TR)
Co-produced by Jonas Dornbach (ACE DE), Janine Jackowski (ACE DE) and Yorgos Tsourgiannis (ACE GR)
“Ghost Town Anthology” by Denis Côté
Produced by Ziad Touma (ACE CA)
“God Exists, Her Name is Petrunija” by Teona Strugar Mitevska
Produced by Zdenka Gold (ACE HR)
“Synonyms” by Nadav Lapid
Co-produced by Jonas Dornbach (ACE DE) and Janine Jackowski (ACE DE)
“System Crasher” by Nora Fingscheidt
Produced by Jakob D. Weydemann (ACE DE)
“All My Loving” by Edward Berger
Produced by Jan Krüger (ACE DE)
“Flatland” by Jenna Bass
Co-produced by Titus Kreyenberg (ACE DE)
“Monos” by Alejandro Landes
Co-produced by Leaontine Petit (ACE NL)
“O Beautiful Night” by Xaver Böhm
Produced by Jonas Dornbach (ACE DE), Janine Jackowski (ACE DE)
“The Miracle of the Sargasso Sea” by Syllas Tzoumerkas
Produced by Maria Drandaki (ACE GR)
Co-produced by Ellen Havenith (ACE NL) and Titus Kreyenberg (ACE DE)
Developed during the ACE 24 Workshops
Generation Kplus
“Cleo” by Erik Schmitt
Produced by Fabian Gasmia (ACE DE)
“Just Me And You” by Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers
Produced by Christine Falco (ACE CA)
Generation 14plus
“The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open” by Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers and Kathleen Hepbur
Produced by Alan Milligan (ACE NO)
Co-produced by Dyveke Bjørkly Graver (ACE NO)
“Stupid Young Heart” by Selma Vilhunen
Produced by Elli Toivoniemi (ACE FI)