The ACE Animation Special, held in Dingle (Ireland) between 19 and 24 March 2024, is supported by Creative Europe MEDIA, Netherlands Film Fund, and Screen Ireland and is organised in close collaboration with  Animation Ireland and Animation Dingle.

The workshop is aimed at experienced producers who want to diversify their activities to include, and/or deepen their knowledge of, developing and producing long form/feature film animation production for an international audience (cinema, broadcast or streaming).

16 to 18 producers will be selected for the workshop, preferably with a long form/feature length animation project at concept stage. Focusing primarily on the creative and financial aspects of feature and longform animation production, the ACE Animation Special will offer sessions on animatic story development, international production workflows, the creative dynamics of animation production, financing strategies and international distribution. The workshop will also include one or more sessions on physical line production as well as case studies on completed animation projects. Group sessions, plenary sessions and one to one meetings will together build a workshop where producers learn from each other’s experiences and those of key industry guests.  

Topics covered include:

  • Story development and defining the rules of the world of your story;
  • Visual world building and asset creation;
  • International production workflows in multi-country co-productions;
  • Financing strategies for films with productions schedules of two years or more;
  • Strategically integrating an animation department into an existing (film-) production company;
  • The broadcaster’s view – when broadcasters can become involved and what they expect.

Click here for testimonials

19 March – 24 March 2024


  • To be an owner, partner or associate of an independent film/animation/TV production company;
  • To be an ACE member or producer with a similar level of experience;
  • To have a long form or feature length animation project at idea or concept stage; producers without a project are also welcome to apply but must demonstrate a clear motivation.

€2.500 (€2.250 for ACE Network Members). The fee covers full board, accommodation and training during the workshops. Travel costs are not included.

Based on our support from Creative Europe MEDIA, scholarships are available for producers from low capacity production countries.

These scholarships are granted in priority to participants from low production capacity countries, group B or third countries considered as Group B**; participants from a country not providing scholarships for training or participants in any other proven situation of need for financial support.

Decisions to award scholarships are made by the selection committee. The scholarship is never more than half of the overall fee. We encourage participants to apply for financial support with their national/regional funding bodies first.

** Low Capacity Countries:
Group A: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania
Group B: Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.

28 November 2023
Up to 18 spaces available

For more information or to request an application form, please contact