In Competition
“Madame Hyde” by Serge Bozon
Produced by David Thion (ACE FR)
Co-produced by Jean-Yves Roubin (ACE BE)
“Wajib” by Annemarie Jacir
Co-produced by Cristina Gallego (ACE CO), Eva Jakobsen (SE) and Titus Kreyenberg (ACE DE)
“Freedom” by Jan Speckenbach
Produced by Jamila Wenske (ACE DE)
“Goliath” by Dominik Locher
Produced by Rajko Jazbec (ACE CH)
Piazza Grande
“Lola Pater” by Nadir Moknèche
Produced by Bertrand Gore (ACE FR)
“Iceman” by Feliz Radau
Produced by Jan Krüger (ACE DE)
“The Song of Scorpions” by Anup Singh
Produced by Saskia Vischer (ACE CH)
Out of Competition
“A Manifesto for the Un-communal” by Syllas Tzoumerkas (short)
Produced by Jamila Wenske (ACE DE)
“Anatomia del Miracolo” by Alessandra Celesia
Co-produced by Alessandro Borrelli (ACE IT)
“Nothingwood” by Sonia Kronlund
Produced by Laurent Lavolé (ACE FR)
Virtual Reality
“Iceman VR” by Jan Krüger & Eric Benz
Produced by Jan Krüger (ACE DE)