ACE Producers’ Films in Locarno 2017

In Competition

“Madame Hyde” by Serge Bozon
Produced by David Thion (ACE FR)
Co-produced by Jean-Yves Roubin (ACE BE)

“Wajib” by Annemarie Jacir
Co-produced by Cristina Gallego (ACE CO), Eva Jakobsen (SE) and Titus Kreyenberg (ACE DE)

“Freedom” by Jan Speckenbach
Produced by Jamila Wenske (ACE DE)

“Goliath” by Dominik Locher
Produced by Rajko Jazbec (ACE CH)

Piazza Grande

“Lola Pater” by Nadir Moknèche
Produced by Bertrand Gore (ACE FR)

“Iceman” by Feliz Radau
Produced by Jan Krüger (ACE DE)

“The Song of Scorpions” by Anup Singh
Produced by Saskia Vischer (ACE CH)

Out of Competition

“A Manifesto for the Un-communal” by Syllas Tzoumerkas (short)
Produced by Jamila Wenske (ACE DE)

“Anatomia del Miracolo” by Alessandra Celesia
Co-produced by Alessandro Borrelli (ACE IT)

“Nothingwood” by Sonia Kronlund
Produced by Laurent Lavolé (ACE FR)

Virtual Reality

“Iceman VR” by Jan Krüger & Eric Benz
Produced by Jan Krüger (ACE DE)

ACE Producers in Galway 2017

New Irish Cinema

“Penance: Aithrí” by Tom Collins
Produced by Edwina Forkin

“Pilgrimage” by Brendan Muldowney
Produced by Conor Barry
Project developed during the ACE 21 workshops

World Cinema

“Nocturne” by Konstantinos Frangopoulos
Produced by Margery Bone

“Life Thereafter” by Konstantin Bojanov
Produced by John Engel

Fleadh Forum – Thursday 13th July
14:00–14.45:  ‘Pilgrimage’ – A Film Finance Case Study

A case study of the film finance structure of Brendan Muldowney’s epic—Pilgrimage, developed by its producer Conor Barry during the ACE 21 workshops. Handled by XYZ Films, this Irish Belgian co-production, which shot on location in Ireland, featured a strong line-up of Irish creative talent and was financed by the IFB, BAI, Wallimage and XYZ Films.

Panelists: Conor Barry & John Keville (Savage Productions), Benoit Roland (Wrongmen Films), Todd Brown (XYZ Films) and will be chaired by Lesley McKimm (IFB). In association with EAVE and Screen Leaders.

16:40-17.25: Breaking Windows – What Digital is Doing to Producers’ Rights

The disruption of orderly sequences of film distribution is one of the most significant phenomena of the digital age. Day-and-date releasing theatrically and online, video-on-demand going head-to-head with pay-TV, pre-releasing online for free – what does all the experimentation add up to? The new majors are online platform giants, yet for the majority of films the value of digital rights is far from compensating for the decline in revenues from traditional home entertainment. What practical steps can producers take to understand and manage the new rights in their work, and derive value from them?

Eamonn Bowles (Magnolia Pictures, US), Andy Mayson (Altitude, UK), Karen O’Malley (Element Pictures, IE); chaired by Simon Perry (ACE Producers, NL)

The forum is supported by the Galway Film Fleadh, Screen Training Ireland and Bord Scannán na hÉireann/the Irish Film Board (IFB).

LITTLE CRUSADER wins best film at KVIFF

Co-produced by the Slovakian ACE producer Marko Skop and the Italian ACE producer Carlo-Cresto Dina, “Little Crusader” by Václav Kadrnka took home the main prize at the 52nd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

A psychological drama based in medieval times the film was co-produced by producers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy. It is the first time that a local director has won the Crystal Globe in fifteen years.

The director  said: “I’m overjoyed. There was a lot of uncertainty in the film from the beginning; it was a long journey. I’m glad that our film has created emotions,”


Taking place from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July 2017 at FAMU – Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague – ACE Producers has selected 13 upcoming producers at relatively early stages in their careers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland to take part in the first ACE Training Days.

Scheduled over two-and-a-half days, the workshop is provided with the help of ACE producers and consultants who have notably strong track-records in international project financing and distribution, and who will share their knowledge and international expertise with the participants.

The Prague Training Days are supported by the Czech Film Fund and the Audiovisual Producers Association (APA).


Training Days in Prague 2017 Participants


Peter Badač – BFILM

Jan Hubáček – GNOMON

Vit Janeček – D1 Film

Barbara Janišová Feglová – Hitchhiker Cinema

Michael Kaboš – KABOS Film & Media

Jitka Kotrlová – Frame Films

Kristýna Květová – Cinemotif Films

Tomás Michálek – Masterfilm

Jakub Pinkava – Pink Productions

Alice Tabery – Cinepoint

Anna Tydlitátová – Freelance

Tomás Vach – Slothmachine

Julie Žáčková – Unit + Sofa

ACE Producers’ Films in Karlovy Vary 2017

Official Selection – In Competition

“Corporate” by Nicolas Silhol
produced by Jean-Christophe Reymond (ACE FR)

“Little Crusader” by Václav Kadrnka
produced by Marko Škop (ACE SK)
co-produced by Carlo Cresto-Dina (ACE IT)

Documentary Films – In Competition

“Before Summer Ends” by Mayam Goormaghtigh
produced by Mani Mortazavi (ACE FR)

“Tarzan’s Testicles” by Alexandru Solomon
produced by Ada Solomon (ACE RO)

East of West – Competition

“Mariţa” by Cristi Iftime
produced by Ada Solomon (ACE RO)

Thijs van der Laak


Thijs joined ACE Producers in March 2023 as Events Producer. Before that, he was the coordinator of Cinekid for Professionals at Cinekid Festival for more than 6 years, where he managed their talent development programmes for writers and directors, amongst other things. In various freelance roles, he also worked for International Film Festival Rotterdam & CineMart, Netherlands Film Festival and Go Short.