Call for Applications – ACE Leadership Special 2024

ACE Producers is very pleased to announce that the call for applications for the ACE Leadership Special 2024 is now open.

The ACE Leadership Special is aimed at experienced producers looking to establish sound business foundations for their companies and develop their personal leadership and entrepreneurial skills. The workshop is made possible thanks to support from Creative Europe MEDIA, the Netherlands Film Fund and the Mallorca Film Commission.

Offering them a safe space, the ACE Leadership Special helps producers recognise and harness their capabilities and innate skills, raising their confidence to allow them to provide effective leadership for their production companies and teams.

Open to members of the ACE Network and other experienced, established producers of a similar level, the ACE Leadership Special takes place over two 3-day residential workshops with additional online sessions complementing them.

12 producers will be selected, each with their own experience of running a company and their own unique entrepreneurial capabilities, allowing the small group to benefit not only from the knowledge of the workshop consultants, but from each other’s lived experiences.

5 March 2024

18 – 21 June 2024
17 – 20 September 2024
With other online elements

June: Bergen, The Netherlands
September: Mallorca, Spain

More information on eligibility, participation fees and how to apply can be found on the ACE Leadership Special page.