Crediting & Communication commitments
Being a member of ACE Producers comes with some commitments in order to keep the ACE Network strong.
Being a member of ACE Producers comes with some commitments in order to keep the ACE Network strong.
Crediting Commitments
Please mention ACE Producers in a work-related context. You can find examples below
End credits:
You can find the ACE logo here (preference of use in file names).
IMDb listing
Billing block artwork
You can find the ACE logo here (preference of use in file names).
Applications to funds
Your biography and track record
Communication Commitments
Please keep us informed about:
Social Media
Please mention ACE Producers, e.g. via hashtags and tagging
Email signature
Please mention your membership of the ACE Network at your own discretion
Spike Scorsese
Independent Productions Ltd.
(Member of) ACE Producers