ACE 35 Application period | January to April 2025

If you are interested in applying or have any questions, please contact or complete this pre-registration form to establish your eligibility and organise a meeting with the ACE team.
ACE Producers will send the application form only to clearly eligible candidates. The form, together with the required elements and the application fee of €120 (including VAT where applicable), must be submitted to ACE no later than 30 April 2025.
Applications will primarily be evaluated on the producers’ track record and motivation, followed by the strength of the project and its co-production and collaboration potential.

ACE 35 Shortlist | Late July 2025

Producers will be informed if they have been shortlisted on the basis of their written application before the end of July 2025.

ACE 35 Selection Interviews | 2 to 5 September 2025

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a half-hour interview online by the ACE selection committee. Following the interviews, max. 18 producers will be selected from the shortlisted candidates.

Programme costs and bursaries

The cost of the Annual Programme in 2025 is €7,000 (not including VAT where applicable or the €120 application fee). This fee covers full board accommodation during all workshops, the ACE Producers Annual Reunion, and the complete cost of tuition provided at all workshop sessions and follow-up meetings with consultants throughout the training year. Travel costs are not included.

Based on our support from Creative Europe MEDIA, partial bursaries are available. Priority for these partial bursaries is with producers from low-production capacity countries (as indicated by Creative Europe Media)**, but in some cases, producers from other countries can also request partial bursaries.

These bursaries are granted in priority to participants from low production capacity countries, group B or third countries considered as Group B**; participants from a country not providing scholarships for training or participants in any other proven situation of need for financial support.

The selection committee decides to award these bursaries, which are never more than half of the overall fee. We encourage participants to apply for financial support with their national/regional funding bodies first.

** Low Capacity Countries:
Group A: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania
Group B: Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.

After completing the training year, producers are automatically entitled to join the ACE Network. The annual membership fee is €250, with an additional €300 payable by producers who wish to attend the Annual Reunion.


Please contact or complete this pre-registration form to establish your eligibility or to set up a meeting if you have any questions about the programme.