ACE Producers has selected 15 experienced independent producers for the third edition of the ACE Animation Special. The intensive workshop is designed to provide extensive knowledge of how to diversify business with developing and producing long form, feature film and series animation productions for an international audience including cinema, broadcast and streaming. Supported by Creative Europe MEDIA, Screen Ireland, Animation Skillnet, BAI (Broadcasting Authority of Ireland) and Animation Ireland, the ACE Animation Special will take place from 30 May – 4 June 2022 in Dublin, Ireland.

Jacobine van der Vloed, Director of ACE Producers: “The market for animation production is growing. To meet the demand of knowledge and insights into this industry branch, we are happy to hold this intensive workshop sharing the expertise of our network of ACE consultants and members for the selected producers from all over Europe.”

Producers applied with animated features and series projects in early development. Focusing primarily on the creative and financial aspects of feature and longform animation production, the ACE Animation Special will offer sessions on animatic story development, international production workflows, the creative dynamics of animation production, financing strategies and international distribution. The workshop will also include one or more sessions on physical line production as well as case studies on completed animation projects.

Among the Experts / Consultants of this year’s edition are Sébastien Onomo (Special Touch Studios), Simon Quinn (Big Fat Studio), Martin Pope (Magic Light Pictures), Marleen Slot (Viking Film).


Ivan Agenjo, Peekaboo Animation, Spain

Veerle Appelmans, Vivi Film, Belgium

Peter Badač (ACE Slovakia), BFILM

Yohann Cornu, Damned Films, France

Alex Dowding, Submarine Animation, The Netherlands

Alan Holly, And Maps And Plans, Ireland

Sinisa Juricic (ACE Croatia), Nukleus Film

Chantal Lafleur (ACE Canada), Avenida Productions

Galilé Marion-Gauvin (ACE Canada), Productions l’unité centrale

Stefan Michel, Studio Seufz, Germany

Ragna Midtgard, Mikrofilm AS, Norway

Pål Røed (ACE Norway), Paasan, Norway

Lisa Marie Russo (ACE UK), Fly Film

Nidia Santiago, Ikki Films, France

Aneta Zagorska, Krakow Animation Center, Poland


A previous version of this post also included Dan Dixon (United Kingdom – Snafu Pictures) and Carla Mooney (Ireland – Cardel) as participants. Unfortunately, they had to withdraw from the workshop.