Call for Applications – ACE Training Days NL 2023

ACE Producers is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Training Days NL 2023, which will be taking place 27 – 29 March.

The ACE Training Days NL is a tailor-made 2-day programme designed for emerging producers at relatively early stages in their careers, who are looking to expand their network and learn more about the international context of the audiovisual industry. The workshop welcomes producers working in fiction, animation and documentary, and strives to make the industry inclusive and diverse.

For this workshop a total of 12 producers (6 Dutch and 6 from neighbouring countries) will be selected to join the workshop taking place in Amsterdam. As ACE aims to encourage international collaboration, the call is open to emerging producers from the Netherlands, as well as Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany.

Scheduled over two days, the Training Days NL will be themed around
“The Essentials of International Co-Production, Sales and Distribution”.

This interactive workshop will include plenary sessions and case studies, as well as group meetings provided with the help of ACE consultants and producers who have notably strong track-records in marketing and promotion of international co-production projects, and who will share their knowledge and international expertise.

The ACE Training Days NL has been set up in collaboration with the
Netherlands Film Fund.

27 – 29 March 2023

Amsterdam, the Netherlands


  • Emerging producers at a relatively early stage in their careers, with an interest in international co-production (this workshop will not focus on line-production);
  • Producers should have at least one credit on a short film;
  • Producers will best benefit from the workshop when already working on a feature length project in development;
  • Producers would need to be committed to attend the entire workshop.


  • Participation is free of charge for Dutch producers;
  • For producers from Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, the participation fee for the workshop is €300;
  • ACE Producers will cover the subsistence during the workshop;
  • All travel and accommodation expenses that may arise will not covered by the organisation;
  • Non-Dutch producers can apply to their local/national fund to support these expenses.

1 February 2023 (up to 12 places available)


Send the following documents (in English and combined into one PDF) to

  • A one-page motivational letter;
  • A company profile;
  • Producer’s biography & filmography;
  • List of current projects in development (with information and status on each project).

Contact Ayumi Filippone at


Call for Applications – ACE Mentoring Programme EU 2023

The ACE Mentoring Programme aims to support upcoming producers in managing their careers and developing their international network, by providing them with the opportunity to learn from established mentors actively working within the European film industry.

The goal is to help these emerging producers reach the next level of experience and help them in the development of their international network.

Each year up to 10 producers, based in the EU or a Creative Europe MEDIA Programme country, will be selected for the Mentoring Programme EU. However, there are also three spaces open for producers from non-EU countries. With this, ACE Producers wants to contribute in creating a film industry that is more inclusive and diverse.

After being selected, each producer will be matched to a mentor according to their specific needs. Throughout the year, the producers will have up to 4 meetings with their mentor, online or if possible in person at international festivals and events.

To best benefit from the programme, we ask producers to have a full-length project in development – fiction, animation or documentary.

March – December 2022 with a total of 4 meetings held throughout the year.

  • Emerging producers with some experience in production, who are looking to expand their knowledge of international co-production, feature film financing, production, sales, and (online) distribution;
  • Producers should have at least one credit on a film or TV series, without necessarily having a full production credit;
  • Producers need to have a full-length fiction, animation or documentary project in development;
  • Participation fee is 300€ for each participant.
  • All travel and accommodation expenses that may arise will not be covered by the organisation.

18 January 2023 (up to 10 places available)

Send the following documents (in English and combined into one PDF) to

  • A motivational letter;
  • Company profile;
  • Producer’s biography & filmography;
  • List of current projects in development (with information and status on each project).

Contact Ayumi Filippone at


ACE Producers and Independent Film Foundation have selected 12 emerging producers for the second edition of ACE Training Days Poland, a workshop aimed at strengthening upcoming producers from Central Eastern European countries. Focusing on “The Essentials of International Co-Production”, it gives the participants the opportunity to learn from established producers and film professionals and to further develop their network. The ACE Training Days Poland is set up with thanks to the support of the Polish Film Institute.

The 2-day interactive workshop (23-24 November) will include plenary sessions and case studies, as well as group meetings provided with the help of ACE consultants and producers who have notably strong track-records in international financing, co-production, sales and distribution, and who will share their knowledge and international expertise.

The Training Days Poland is connected to the ACE 32 Financing Strategies Workshop (21 – 26 Nov, Warsaw), which is a workshop within the ACE Annual Programme organised for the selected 18 experienced producers from Europe and beyond.


Ieva Cern, FILM JAM – Lithuania

Maria Ibrahimova, Cinex Productions – Azerbaijan

Wiola Łabędź, No Drama Production – Poland

Małgorzata Małysa , FURIA FILM – Poland

Ana Maria Pirvan, Anchor Films – Romania

Genovéva Petrovits, KINO ALFA – Hungary

Dorota Schleiss, ASF Studio Sp. z o.o. – Poland

Valeria Sochyvets, Contemporary Ukrainian Cinema LLC – Ukraine

Anna Stylinska, MY WAY STUDIO – Poland

Artur Wyrzykowski, Bold Humans – Poland

Anna Yatsenko, ForeFilms – Ukraine

Stanisław Zaborowski, Silver Frame – Poland

Together with the ACE Mentoring Programme, the ACE Training Days Poland is part of ACE Springboard, a combination of programmes focusing on emerging independent producers to strengthen careers at an early stage. ACE Springboard provides participants with the tools needed to be adaptable and innovative in an ever-changing film industry – for a successful new generation of independent producers!

Please find more information here:

For more information please contact:

Call for Applications – ACE Animation Special 2023

ACE Producers is pleased to launch the call for applications for the third edition of the ACE Animation Special, supported by Creative Europe MEDIA and NL Film Fund, in collaboration with Screen Ireland, Animation Ireland and Animation Dingle.

The workshop is for experienced producers that plan to diversify their activities to include animation production and producers already familiar with animation but looking to internationalise their network and knowledge.

16-18 producers will be selected for the workshop, with an animation project (series/long-form/feature length) at concept stage. Focusing primarily on the creative and financial aspects of feature and longform animation production, the ACE Animation Special will offer sessions on animatic story development, international production workflows, the creative dynamics of animation production, financing strategies and international distribution. The workshop will also include sessions on physical line production as well as case studies on completed animation projects and an insight into animation series production. Group sessions, plenary sessions, walk & talks and one-to-one meetings will together build a workshop where producers learn from each other’s experiences and those of key industry guests.

Topics covered include:

  • Story development and defining the rules of the world of your story;
  • Visual world building and asset creation;
  • International production workflows in multi-country co-productions;
  • Financing strategies;
  • Strategically integrating an animation department into an existing (film-) production company;
  • Marketing and sales on animation projects.

28 November 2022 – EXTENDED TO 5 DECEMBER
Up to 18 spaces available

21 – 26 March 2023

Dingle, Ireland


  • To be an owner, partner or associate of an independent film/animation/TV production company;
  • To be an ACE member or producer with a similar level of experience;
  • To have a long form or feature length animation project at idea or concept stage; producers without a project are also welcome to apply but must demonstrate a clear motivation.

€2.500 (€2.250 for ACE Network Members).
The fee covers full board, accommodation and training during the workshops. Travel costs are not included.

For more information or to request an application form, please contact


ACE Producers has selected 17 experienced independent producers for the 4th edition of the ACE Series Special.

Roshanak Behesht Nedjad – Germany – In Good Company GmbH
“Me, Myself & Who?”
Showrunner – Barbara Kronenberg
Writer – Barbara Kronenberg

Nina Frese – ACE Germany – Wunderlust eK
“As a Matter of Sex”
Writer – Maria Solrun

Alexander Glehr – Austria – Film AG Produktions GmbH
“A New Order”
Writer – Agnes Pluch

Erik Glijnis – ACE the Netherlands – Lemming Film
“The House of the Mosque”
Writer – Beri Shalmashi

Danijel Hocevar – Slovenia – Vertigo
“Variola – Dark Spring”
Showrunner – Matevž Luzar
Writers – Matevž Luzar, Srđan Koljević, Miha Hočevar

Christine Kiauk – ACE Germany – COIN FILM GmbH
“True Murderers”
Writers – Linda Brieda, Jens Becker, Dominik Wessely

JJ Lousberg – UK – Filmwave
Writer – Peter Modestij

Leah Mallen – Canada – All In Pictures
“The Shepherd”
Showrunners – Jennica Harper, Nancy Lee
Writers – Jennica Harper, Nancy Lee

Annabella Nezri – ACE Belgium – Kwassa Films
Showrunner – David O’Neill
Writers – David O’Neill, Matthieu Frances

Viktória Petrányi – ACE Hungary – Proton Cinema
“Below the Earth”
Writers – György Mór Kárpáti, Márk Bodzsár

Reto Schaerli – ACE Switzerland – Zodiac Pictures Ltd
“William Tell”
Writers – Stefan Brunner, Lorenz Langenegger

Marica Stocchi – ACE Italy – Rosamont
Writers – Marco Pettenello, Valerio Attanasio, Matteo Visconti

Nebojsa Taraba – Croatia – Drugi plan
“Greater Adria”
Showrunner – Nebojsa Taraba
Writers – Simona Nobile, Nebojsa Taraba

Sophie Venner – ACE UK – Taletime Pictures
“Revolution School”
Showrunners – Paula Alvarez Vaccaro, Aaron Brookner
Writers – Paula Alvarez Vaccaro, Aaron Brookner

Dagne Vildziunaite – Lithuania – Just a moment
“C for Cancel”
Showrunner – Lina Luzyte
Writers – Lina Luzyte, Ewa Sec, Patryk Bugajski

Jamila Wenske – ACE Germany – Achtung Panda!
“Ordinary, Extraordinary”
Showrunner – Sabiha Sumar
Writers – Sabiha Sumar, Julia Rose, Rachel Mathews

Mia Ylönen – Finland – Helsinki-filmi
Showrunner – Mia Ylönen
Writers – Mia Ylönen, Nuutti Sihvonen, Tuomas Hakola

The intensive hands-on workshop is designed to help integrating a series division into the producers’ companies and deepen their knowledge of developing and producing TV drama series for an international audience. All selected producers have applied with a series in development. The Series Special will take place in Munich in early November.

With an increasing demand for content and with a market that is changing daily, producers are looking for new ways of working and diversifying their output. Focusing primarily on the creative and financial aspects of TV series production, the ACE Series Special offers sessions on working with broadcasters, marketing, audiences, international approaches, and business strategies.

The workshop will give producers a chance to work on their projects through one-to-one meetings with experts and group sessions with their peers benefiting from good practices and advise with regards to different territories, specific legal and financing structures, and business insights.

Thanks to our partners FFF Bayern for their support.

A previous version of this post also included Aija Berzina (Latvia– Tasse Film) as a participant. Unfortunately, she had to withdraw from the workshop.

ACE 32 Producers Selected

Alessandro Amato – dispàrte – Italy
“A Song That Slays” directed by Mo Scarpelli

Sébastien Aubert – Adastra Films – France
“Blood Burn” directed by Akaki Popkhadze

Reza Bahar – Gifted Films – Germany
“Raan” directed by Hallvard Braein

Nadim Cheikhrouha – Tanit Films – France
“Mime” directed by Kaouther ben Hania

Jean-Laurent Csinidis – Films de Force Majeure – France
“A Winner is Seen at the Start” directed by Zhannat Alshanova

Natasa Damnjanovic –Dart Film – Serbia
“The Long Weekend” directed by Katarina Koljevic

Natalia Grzegorzek – Koskino Sp. z.o.o. – Poland
“Madame et Monsieur Gombrowicz” directed by Łukasz Grzegorzek

Oana Iancu – The East Company Productions – Romania
“Cardinal” directed by Bogdan George Apetri

Jeanie Igoe – Homebird Productions – Ireland
“The Song Collector” directed by Bob Gallagher

Marie Kjellson – Kjellson & Wik – Sweden
“LOVE #NoFilter” directed by Mikael Bundsen

Laurence Lascary – De l’Autre Côté du Périph ’– France
“Sound System” directed by Sébastien Tulard

Sára László – Campfilm – Hungary
“The Vacation” directed by Dénes Nagy

Vicky Miha – asterisk* – Greece
“Nico Finds a Treasure” directed by Konstantinos Frangopoulos

Anand Ramayya –Karma Film – Canada
“#Vanlife” directed by Trevor Cameron

Tathiani Sacilotto – Persona Non Grata Pictures – Portugal
“Engagée” directed by Anna Da Palma

Dmytro Sukhanov – Toy Cinema – Ukraine
“Ground Zero” directed by Zhanna Ozirna

Katya Trichkova – Contrast films – Bulgaria
“Kiril’s Luck” directed by Milena Andonova

Derk-Jan Warrink –Keplerfilm – the Netherlands
“Killabees” directed by Eché Janga

ACE Producers has selected 18 experienced independent producers to join the ACE Network after completing the 32nd edition of its Annual Programme. The selected producers from 15 different territories will attend three workshops throughout 2022 and 2023 moving the projects with which they applied forward.

The selection committee consisted of members of the ACE board, ACE consultants, president Antoine Simkine and director Jacobine van der Vloed.

Four events make up the core of the training. The first workshop, dedicated to content development, will take place in Øverbygd, Norway in mid October and will include group sessions and individual meetings, analysing the concepts, dramaturgy, and target audiences of producers’ projects. The workshop is supported by The Norwegian Film Institute and Filmcamp.

In November, the second workshop, which offers the producers advice on possible financing strategies for their projects, will take place in Warsaw, Poland, with the support of the Polish Film Institute and in collaboration with Independent Film Foundation. The week-long workshop will be made up of interactive sessions exploring international financing opportunities and strategies through detailed analysis of the producers’ finance plans, with input provided by high-grade professionals from across the industry. The sessions offer a uniquely open exchange of experience and ideas which sheds light on the evolution of co-production practices, of public and private funding schemes, and of the global marketplace in the digital age.

The third workshop will look at the producers’ business strategies, providing them with models of sustainable company management and ways to build businesses that have real value. Group sessions and panel discussions guide the producers through keener applications of marketing techniques and diversified commercial activities. The Business Prospects Workshop will take place in Amsterdam with the kind support of the Netherlands Film Fund and is immediately followed by the ACE Annual Reunion, were the new producers will be officially welcomed into the ACE Network.

The Annual Reunion 2023 will be held in San Sebastian, Spain with the support of the Zineuskadi & Basque Audiovisual.

ACE Producers is supported by Creative Europe MEDIA, Netherlands Film Fund, Polish Film Institute, Norwegian Film Institute, FilmCamp, Procirep, FFF Bayern, Pictanovo, German Films, Téléfilm Canada, Roma Lazio Film Commission, Screen Ireland, Animation Skillnet, BAI, Focal, Rai Cinema and APA – Audiovisual Producers Association, Animation Ireland.

Session for Dutch Producers during ACE Leadership Special

Thanks to support from the Netherlands Film Fund, ACE Producers is pleased to invite 8-10 Dutch producers to participate in the session Managing Your Energy, which will happen under the umbrella of the ACE Leadership Special. 

The aim of the ACE Leadership Special is to encourage and nurture successful, business acumen within the film industry, and equip participants with competence and confidence to provide effective leadership for their production companies and teams, and to become leaders through change.   

The session Managing Your Energy is designed for company-owning producers with the aim to help you be at your best, more of the time. It will give you time and space together to explore ways to manage your energy, and therefore your resilience.  

This very practical and interactive session is designed to give you the opportunity to:  

– Embody differing energetic ‘states’ 

– Notice the impact of working extended hours 

– Create a plan to manage your energy 

The session will be facilitated by Jo Bishop. Jo is a professional Learning and Development Consultant, Facilitator, Executive and Career Coach, with over twenty years’ experience working with global corporate clients from a wide range of sectors. Jo ensures her participants leave with practical tools and techniques that can make an immediate positive impact. Her work is, grounded in positive psychology, and she’s passionate about helping leaders create an environment of psychological safety and inclusion to unlock the potential of those around them. She enjoys working with senior leaders to make a difference in their organisation, and often coaches senior teams to lead their people with purpose.  


10:30 – 14:00, 21 June 2022 (including a Networking lunch with members of the ACE Leadership Special), at The Unbound, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


– We welcome producers working in fiction, drama series, animation and documentary. We strive to make the industry inclusive and diverse
– P
articipation is free of charge
– There are only 8 to 10 places available, producers need to be committed to attend the entire session
– Travel expenses that may arise will not be covered by the organization
– The session will be in English 

Deadline: 3 June 2022

Please send us a short motivation and company profile (in English and combined into one PDF) to 

Contact Al Williams 


ACE Producers has selected 11 producers from the European Union and the UK for the first edition of the ACE Leadership Special. The workshop is aimed at experienced producers looking to establish sound business foundations for their companies and develop their personal leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

The world of audiovisual production is changing rapidly. In order to survive and thrive in this dynamic environment, solid leadership is more important than ever. This asks for a strong vision, and the ability to operate with ever greater flexibility and agility. The ACE Leadership Special will help company-owning producers discover their own personal vision and gain the tools needed to adapt and flourish when faced with change.

The programme is supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme and the Netherlands Film Fund.



Martichka Bozhilova, Agitprop, Bulgaria

Eve Gabereau, Modern Films, UK

Alicja Grawon-Jaksik, Rabbit Hole Productions, Poland

Koji Nelissen, Keplerfilm, The Netherlands

Roman Paul, Razor Film Produktion, Germany

Martin Persson, Anagram Sverige, Sweden

Dries Phlypo, A Private View, Belgium

Marija Razgute, M-Films, Lithuania

Arash T. Riahi, Golden Girls Film, Austria

Laurette Schillings, Topkapi Films, The Netherlands

Ada Solomon, microFILM, Romania

Together with ACE Animation and ACE Series, the ACE Leadership Programme is part of ACE Specials. This combination of programmes allow experienced producers to expanding their knowledge of different forms of production and improve their skills and understanding of areas and types of production to which they might be new.


Please find more information on the programme:

Screen Daily press release here.

For further information please contact
Al Williams:

A previous version of this post also included Michael Weber (Germany – The Match Factory) as a participant. Unfortunately, he had to withdraw from the workshop.


ACE Producers has selected 10 outstanding up-and coming producers from the European Union, Norway and the UK for the first edition of the ACE Mentoring Programme EU. The programme aims to support emerging producers in reaching the next level of their careers and extending their international network by providing them with the opportunity to learn from established mentors from the ACE Producers Network actively working within the European film industry.

ACE Producers’ main goal is to strengthen experienced producers but the ACE Mentoring Programme intends to share the collective knowledge of the ACE Network with a new generation of producers. Mentors have been matched according to the specific needs of the selected producers and their projects. The mentorship includes meetings throughout the year at international festivals and events as well as online.

The programme is supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme and the Netherlands Film Fund.


Clara Jantzen Kreinøe, Snowglobe Film, Denmark
Mentor: Lisa Marie Russo (ACE 11), Fly Film Company Limited – United Kingdom

Thomas Lambert, Tomsa Films, France
Mentor: Arash T. Riahi (ACE 27), Golden Girls – Austria

Anouk Shad, Topaz Films, Austria
Mentor: Joanna Szymanska (ACE 30), Shipboy – Poland

Mina Dreki, Marni Films, Greece
Mentor: Leila Lyytikainen (ACE 21), Citizen Jane Productions

Claudio Esposito, The Piranesi Experience, Italy
Mentor: Nicole Gerhard (ACE 18), Niko Film – Germany

Marta Romanova-Jēkabsone, KULTFILMA, Latvia
Mentor: Judy Tossell (ACE 09), Egoli Tossell Film – Germany

Ingvild Evjemo, 4 1/2, Norway
Mentor: Frans van Gestel (Series 1), Topkapi Film – The Netherlands

Krystyna Kantor, Shipsboy, Poland
Mentor: Eva Jakobsen (ACE 25), Snowglobe Film – Denmark

Luis Campos, Matiné, Portugal
Mentor: Yorgos Tsourgiannis (ACE 20), Horsefly Productions – Greece

Joy Gharoro-Akpojotor, Joi Productions, UK
Mentor: Roman Paul (ACE 16), Razor Film Produktion – Germany


Together with ACE Training Days, the ACE Mentoring Programme is part of ACE Springboard, a combination of programmes focusing on emerging independent producers to strengthen careers at an early stage. ACE Springboard provides participants with the tools needed to be adaptable and innovative in an ever-changing film industry – for a successful new generation of independent producers!


Please find more information here:

For more information please contact:


ACE Producers has selected 15 experienced independent producers for the third edition of the ACE Animation Special. The intensive workshop is designed to provide extensive knowledge of how to diversify business with developing and producing long form, feature film and series animation productions for an international audience including cinema, broadcast and streaming. Supported by Creative Europe MEDIA, Screen Ireland, Animation Skillnet, BAI (Broadcasting Authority of Ireland) and Animation Ireland, the ACE Animation Special will take place from 30 May – 4 June 2022 in Dublin, Ireland.

Jacobine van der Vloed, Director of ACE Producers: “The market for animation production is growing. To meet the demand of knowledge and insights into this industry branch, we are happy to hold this intensive workshop sharing the expertise of our network of ACE consultants and members for the selected producers from all over Europe.”

Producers applied with animated features and series projects in early development. Focusing primarily on the creative and financial aspects of feature and longform animation production, the ACE Animation Special will offer sessions on animatic story development, international production workflows, the creative dynamics of animation production, financing strategies and international distribution. The workshop will also include one or more sessions on physical line production as well as case studies on completed animation projects.

Among the Experts / Consultants of this year’s edition are Sébastien Onomo (Special Touch Studios), Simon Quinn (Big Fat Studio), Martin Pope (Magic Light Pictures), Marleen Slot (Viking Film).


Ivan Agenjo, Peekaboo Animation, Spain

Veerle Appelmans, Vivi Film, Belgium

Peter Badač (ACE Slovakia), BFILM

Yohann Cornu, Damned Films, France

Alex Dowding, Submarine Animation, The Netherlands

Alan Holly, And Maps And Plans, Ireland

Sinisa Juricic (ACE Croatia), Nukleus Film

Chantal Lafleur (ACE Canada), Avenida Productions

Galilé Marion-Gauvin (ACE Canada), Productions l’unité centrale

Stefan Michel, Studio Seufz, Germany

Ragna Midtgard, Mikrofilm AS, Norway

Pål Røed (ACE Norway), Paasan, Norway

Lisa Marie Russo (ACE UK), Fly Film

Nidia Santiago, Ikki Films, France

Aneta Zagorska, Krakow Animation Center, Poland


A previous version of this post also included Dan Dixon (United Kingdom – Snafu Pictures) and Carla Mooney (Ireland – Cardel) as participants. Unfortunately, they had to withdraw from the workshop.